
Le groupe Pulso spécialiste Européen du bien-être psychosocial, ouvre ses portes en France

Dans un contexte de crise sanitaire mondiale de nombreuses entreprises françaises sont demandeuses d’accompagnement psychosocial et cherchent des solutions pragmatiques. Pour répondre à ces problématiques de bien-être au travail, PULSO OUVRE UNE NOUVELLE FILIALE EN FRANCE.

Brigitte VAUDOLON, spécialiste reconnue de la prévention des risques psychosociaux et du bien-être au travail, a été nommée à la tête de PULSO France.


Pulso Group European specialist in psychosocial well-being opens its doors in France

In a context of a global health crisis many French companies are asking for psychosocial support and are looking for pragmatic solutions. In order to answer to these problematics of well-being at work, PULSO OPENS A NEW SUBSIDIARY IN FRANCE.

Brigitte VAUDOLON, a recognised specialist in the prevention of psychosocial risks and well-being at work, has been appointed to lead PULSO France.

Portuguese, Portugal

Pulso Group European specialist in psychosocial well-being opens its doors in France

In a context of a global health crisis many French companies are asking for psychosocial support and are looking for pragmatic solutions. In order to answer to these problematics of well-being at work, PULSO OPENS A NEW SUBSIDIARY IN FRANCE.

Brigitte VAUDOLON, a recognised specialist in the prevention of psychosocial risks and well-being at work, has been appointed to lead PULSO France.


Pulso Group European specialist in psychosocial well-being opens its doors in France

In a context of a global health crisis many French companies are asking for psychosocial support and are looking for pragmatic solutions. In order to answer to these problematics of well-being at work, PULSO OPENS A NEW SUBSIDIARY IN FRANCE.

Brigitte VAUDOLON, a recognised specialist in the prevention of psychosocial risks and well-being at work, has been appointed to lead PULSO France.
