Pulso Consulting
What we do for you...
Clarifying mission
- Commitment and well-being of employees are essential for any organisation. You can promote both by conveying a clear mission for your organisation.
- Why does the organisation exist? What does it really stand for? What makes it unique? What drives the organisation?
- Together we look for answers to these fundamental questions. Then we formulate the strategy.
- The mission is the soul of your organisation that binds your employees together and gives them energy.The strategy focuses the released energy towards objectives, creating efficiency and peace of mind.
Organisation design
- The effectiveness of the organisation design affects the performance of your company. A clear mission and strategy allows you to free up energy and determine the path to reach your goals.
- But how will you work together? In what structure? With what processes and systems? What about leadership style and culture? And the interrelationship between all these components?
- Together we define the optimal design for your organisation and we support you with its implementation and development.
- A continuously optimised organisation thrives on the passion of its employees who coordinate their efforts to achieve the common goal.
Optimising leadership
- Leadership within an organisation creates the climate to achieve the mission.Leaders convey the strategy and determine the space for implementation of the operational plans by teams and employees.
- But how do you integrate leadership into a broader well-being policy? What kind of leadership and vision do you aim for? What points do you focus on? How do you bring your values and mission to life? How do you measure the progress of leadership?
- We support in developing and implementing the leadership style that works best for you. Leadership and self-assessment measurements allow us to create a picture of your current leadership and the points for improvement. Together we choose the appropriate implementation methodology tailored to the desired changes: training or coaching, group dynamics or in closed circle setting, etc.
- Effective leadership activates your people and your organisation and has everyone working in the same direction.
Enhancing team performance
- Enhanced team performance is a new way of increasing the efficiency of your organisation. Multifunctional teams with a more meaningful level of professional integration and self-management are able to handle complex situations and can drive down the operational costs of the organisation.
- Does your organisational structure and leadership style allow for enhanced team performance? Are your people ready? How do you handle the transition to new team forms? How well are your teams performing?
- Based on your strategy, we support you in choosing the appropriate team form. We measure where necessary, and provide feedback on the results. We monitor alignment with the structure, leadership and all other relevant factors. We develop an implementation path tailored to the targeted change.
- Together we get teams in difficulties (conflict, demotivation, lack of results, stress, etc.) back on track, or we make high-performance teams or autonomous teams a reality in your organisation.
Individual coaching
- People in your organisation sometimes need additional support in their personal development, possibly following an adjustment of the organisational structure, leadership style, or in the context of team strengthening efforts.
- Acquiring new skills? Meeting objectives? Developing coaching, inspirational leadership? Conducting performance or appraisal interviews? Illness and reintegration issues? Team challenges?
- We offer individual coaching programmes for both your employees and your managers. Coach and coachee work in tandem towards their work-related defined objectives. We always take into account the mutual fit between the organisation and the individual.
- You ensure that everyone in your organisation can live up to the desired changes and implement an integrated well-being policy at the individual level.
Managing change
- Changes in an organisation require a well-considered, methodical approach, which takes into account not only the rational aspect, but also emotions, beliefs and values.
- Are you facing changes? Do you not have a method that supports the psychological transition process for your employees? How do you keep the dialogue going in times of change? How to deal with inertia or resistance? What leadership style should you apply?
- Our expertise in organisation design, leadership, people and well-being enables us to combine the conventional rational project-based approach with room for the soft side of change.
- The result is anything but "soft": you maximise the chance that your employees will embrace and support the envisaged changes.
Driving culture
- A clear cultural identity can be an important lever in achieving results in any organisation.
- Is your cultural identity clear? Does it promote, or actually interfere with, the mission of your organisation? What do you want to adjust? How will you go about it?
- We map out your cultural identity, identifying bottlenecks and opportunities. Together we create awareness around the desired value pattern at all levels of the organisation. We facilitate the transition and integrate the values throughout the operation of your organisation.
- The desired cultural identity acts as an internal compass for the organisation, also in times of change.
Training and educating
- A healthy and resilient organisation does not arise automatically. Both the organisation and the employees make efforts to achieve personal growth. It is a shared responsibility. A sound selection of high-quality training courses is important.
- Acquiring new skills in stress and conflict management? Increasing individual resilience and enthusiasm of your employees? Supporting your managers in the prevention and management of stress-related issues?
We offer high-quality training programmes on stress, burnout, resilience, assertiveness & engagement. We also organise 5-day mediation courses for (new) confidential counsellors.
Together with you we examine which training programmes best suit the needs of your organisation and your employees, adapting them to your specific context.
- As an organisation, you show that you take your responsibility for training seriously. You encourage independence and initiative among your employees and managers. Your employees can proactively manage their own well-being and that of their teams.
Introducing a strategic well-being policy
- Public demand for workable work is growing. Entrepreneurs, too, are increasingly paying attention to the resilience and well-being of their employees for economic reasons. Thus, a general awareness is emerging of the importance of well-being within operational management. Resilient employees are indeed a prerequisite for a strong, flexible and effective organisation.
- But how do you make your work actually workable? Where do you begin? What is a well-being policy? What points do you focus on? How can you build on what is already present? How do you ensure that well-being does not become an isolated or one-off theme, but is kept alive within your organisation? How do you embed well-being in all levels of your organisation?
- We guide you through one, more or all phases in the development of a strategic and integrated well-being policy. We align the well-being policy to your business strategy. We deploy the appropriate tools to analyse, together with you, the current strengths and weaknesses in well-being of your organisation. We work out a sound proposal to develop concrete policies, action plans and programmes. We get to work as soon as you give the go-ahead. We ensure that the proposals are sustainably implemented and integrated into your company. If you want us to, we will repeat the measurements. For in the end, each policy is judged on its efficiency. Thus, we help you not only in putting together the business case, but also in measuring the effectiveness of your actions and demonstrating the ROI of your policy.
- An integrated, strategically aligned and well-implemented well-being policy strengthens your organisation, and has a positive ROI. It makes your employees resilient, thereby increasing the flexibility and effectiveness of your organisation.
Introducing an absenteeism and reintegration policy
- Absenteeism is a major concern for many organisations. It involves a tremendous cost. However, absenteeism is to a large extent an employee choice that can be influenced by the employer. Suitable methods for reintegration after prolonged absence can help you reduce absenteeism loss.
- How do you go about it today? What policy do you have in place? Do you take preventive or corrective actions? Do you do so at the level of the employees, of the managers, or of the organisation? What is working well? What is not working so well and could be improved?
- We help you see the wood for the trees. Using a process-based and proven methodology, we devise, together with you, an approach to absenteeism and reintegration that is suited to your organisation. We map out the current situation, and propose actions or solutions. In addition to a clear vision, uniform procedures and clearly defined roles are crucial. They raise the absenteeism barrier and lower the reintegration barrier. We help you develop and implement the various components. Together we embed the new policy in the DNA of your organisation. Specific reintegration programmes to support the policy where required (see "link").
- A sustainable absenteeism and reintegration policy embedded in the vision of your organisation. The commitment of your employees increases, resulting in a lower absenteeism choice and a quicker return to work. A win-win situation for the organisation and its employees.
Introducing an absenteeism and reintegration policy
- Absenteeism is a major concern for many organisations. It involves a tremendous cost. However, absenteeism is to a large extent an employee choice that can be influenced by the employer. Suitable methods for reintegration after prolonged absence can help you reduce absenteeism loss.
- How do you go about it today? What policy do you have in place? Do you take preventive or corrective actions? Do you do so at the level of the employees, of the managers, or of the organisation? What is working well? What is not working so well and could be improved?
- We help you see the wood for the trees. Using a process-based and proven methodology, we devise, together with you, an approach to absenteeism and reintegration that is suited to your organisation. We map out the current situation, and propose actions or solutions. In addition to a clear vision, uniform procedures and clearly defined roles are crucial. They raise the absenteeism barrier and lower the reintegration barrier. We help you develop and implement the various components. Together we embed the new policy in the DNA of your organisation. Specific reintegration programmes to support the policy where required (see "link").
- A sustainable absenteeism and reintegration policy embedded in the vision of your organisation. The commitment of your employees increases, resulting in a lower absenteeism choice and a quicker return to work. A win-win situation for the organisation and its employees.