Individual support during restructuring

Pulso helps companies to limit psychosocial problems during restructuring, both for people who have to leave the company and the remaining staff members, for managers and for family members.

A restructuring doesn't just stir up emotions for the employees who have been or will be made redundant. Lay-off survivor sickness, for example, can be prevented with those colleagues who stay on. Furthermore, it is a difficult time for managers when they have to implement the restructuring while simultaneously keeping productivity and motivation high. In all cases, there is often a partner or family member supporting the employee going through the restructuring and they also experience difficult emotions.

How does individual counselling work during restructuring?

  • As an employer, you are offering employees a current or temporary employee assistance programme (EAP). If you wish, Pulso can also provide specialised counsellors on-site at your company. That way, employees can access counselling while they are at work. Your staff and their family can also request use of the EAP themselves at any time.
  • Pulso offers counselling for managers regarding, among other things
    • conducting dismissal interviews
    • dealing with emotions
    • restarting with the team following restructuring

Management Support Service

Managers who are confronted with employees' strong emotions during restructuring, can call on Pulso's Management Support Service. Pulso works with consultants, trainers and coaches who have extensive experience with the psychosocial and business-related aspects of restructuring.

What is the added value of individual support during restructuring?

You opt for

  • extra support during a restructuring, in addition to the basic provision
  • to pay attention to members of staff who can stay, and therefore to have a better restart following restructuring
  • support tailored to managers
  • less psychosocial damage from restructuring

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