The highlights of 2020 in a video.
Services & tools
AG Insurance chooses to implement an EAP because it helps increasing employees' well-being and thus also their level of engagement. It is also consistent with our values and our policy of well-being. And it helps in case of non-work related stress, an area that is more difficult to cover by AG Insurance itself.
Your European partner
Years of international experience and an expansive network makes us your reference in Europe.
Recent news
In a context of a global health crisis many French companies are asking for psychosocial support and are looking for pragmatic solutions. In order to answer to these problematics of well-being at work, PULSO OPENS A NEW SUBSIDIARY IN FRANCE.
Brigitte VAUDOLON, a recognised specialist in the prevention of psychosocial risks and well-being at work, has been appointed to lead PULSO France.